Quality Education
Access to education in schools in developing countries and especially in countries facing enormous difficulties related to a deficit or lack of financial resources and educational support materials for education such as Haiti is of paramount importance.
In a context where education is fundamental to preparing young people for the development of their country. CDI de la MEDIPE is primarily committed to supporting children in their life journey by promoting their access to education. To do this, we are developing training programmes in partnership with local and international schools and organisations to achieve the goal of a enrolment rate close to 100
Health and Well-being
Enabling everyone to live healthy lives and promoting the well-being of all at all ages are essential conditions for sustainable development. Health emergencies such as COVID-19 pose a risk to humanity as a whole and have demonstrated that preparedness is essential.
CDI de la MEDIPE mission is to help provide access to quality health care for Haitians while raising awareness to prepare them for possible health crises that may follow.

Agriculture and Environment
Global consumption and production — the real drivers of the global economy — are based on the use of the environment and natural resources in a way that continues to have destructive effects on the planet.
To alleviate the problems of hunger and encourage respectful behaviour through consumption and production, CDI de la MEDIPE is investing in agricultural projects aimed at equipping vulnerable communities for their survival and projects aimed at preserving the environment, access to clean water and sanitation projects.
Assistance Sociale
CDI de la MEDIPE a non-governmental organization whose ambition is to fight against all forms of exclusion and to develop solidarity in Haiti. Our goals are to increase social cohesion in neighbourhoods, reduce unemployment, reduce poverty, and combat inequalities throughout the Haitian territory.
We want to get Haitians to build a new Haitian society that is united and respectful of the rights and duties of every Haitian in a spirit of freedom, equality and fraternity.